I returned for a follow-up appointment for my eye on Jan. 17, 2011. After tests and an exam, the doctor said, "You are one in a million! Your eye has greatly improved. The fluid behind the retina has dried up, and other blood vessels have compensated for the blocked vessel, and the retina is repairing itself." The improvement had been so gradual that I hadn't even noticed! My eye does not have 100% sight yet, but the doctor thinks the rest of my vision will gradually return over the next year. What a miracle! I began to wonder why I had been given this miracle. Why me? I pondered if I had done something to deserve this blessing. The answer was no. We do not EARN miracles. Then, I wondered if I needed my eye to accomplish something that I couldn't do without it. The answer was no. Then the thought came into my mind that I was given this miracle so that I would know I was loved -- by my Heavenly Father and all the people that offered prayers, best wishes, and kind thoughts in my behalf. This thought was accompanied by the sweetest feeling. The return of my eyesight was, pure and simple, a gift of love. Thank you all, not just for your prayers and kindnesses, but also for your loving hearts. Love is the miracle which begats all other miracles. "Where love is, there God is also."
i'm so glad things are getting better. after 11 years of bad eye sight in my right eye i've not had full vision restored. it's a crazy thing but i know that the Lord was looking to tell you He loves you.