Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Boston Bootcamp - Part Five

While I was in the heat wave in Delaware with the Arnell's, Matt and Becky were taking turns sleeping on the couch where the air conditioner could blow on at least one of them. Matt quipped, "Who thought we would ever be fighting over sleeping on the click-clack couch?"
After I had a peaceful night's slumber on the couch, and Matt and Becky tossed and turned in the heat in their comfy bed, we left Monday morning to see Plimouth Plantation and the Mayflower. Those poor Pilgrims! It was so depressing to see what they went through. I think the ship was the better deal. If I had to choose, I would have chosen to live with the Wampanaug Indians. I think they had the better plan for surviving. I decided to be grateful for my life, even in the heat and while climbing endless flights of stairs.

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