Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Boston Bootcamp - Part Three

From Boston, I went with Woody and Shirley Arnell. They are movers and shakers! Woody is a walking, talking history book and tour guide, not to mention a dedicated driver. I marvelled at the size of the bridges and the Hudson River. Rode the ferry from Staten Island right past the Statue of Liberty to New York City where the heat wave and stairs were in full force and ever present. The carriage ride at night through Central Park will always be a cherished memory as will seeing the LDS temple right there, emitting calmness and serenity, in the midst of all the hubbub and chaos and craziness of NYC. By the way, the subways are NOT air conditioned, and you have to climb stairs to get the the bathroom in McDonald's. What is the world coming to?

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